If you're interested, here's the lowdown of visitors:
While I'm happy that so many 'locals' have taken the time to visit, I'm particularly pleased with the numbers from Norway and Malaysia - thank you for your contribution! This table doesn't track unique visitors, just so you know.
By reviewing my stats panel on the blog, I can tell that 91% of you are Windows users, and 36% of you use Internet Explorer. Why Blogger thinks I need to know this is anybody's guess - but I still think it's pretty cool. :)
Later on in the week, I'll be posting another bootleg, this time from the pre-Murmur era. In fact, this show was performed even before R.E.M. released Radio Free Europe! Taken from a soundboard recording at Tyrone's, Athens in 1981, this show is widely found on many bootleg records, albeit in a mostly incomplete form. I do have the whole show, but for the sake of quality over quantity I shall be putting up So Much Younger Then, which features 14 tracks from the 70-minute show. The rest will be uploaded eventually, but So Much Younger Then is such a good boot that I can't hesitate to release it.
Yours truly,
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